The Most Important Thing to do with Food in 2024

Earlier this week I shared my food resolutions for 2024. The first one was “eat it while I can.” I thought about it some more and I decided that it has a much bigger meaning for me going into 2024 and it deserved more space on my blog than just that bit.

It was a coincidence that I came across this article today, “What flavors should consumers expect in 2024?” I love this for a few reasons. One, it reinforces to me that there are indeed many, many people out there that love food as much as I do. So much to make it a point to write about what is going to trend with food in the coming year. Similar to other forms of self-expression like fashion, hair, makeup, music, social media, etc. food is a way to show who you are – it lets others know what you value, what you like and how you spend your time and money.

The first paragraph in that article is in fact dedicated to self-expression. New flavor combinations, new ways to inject certain “out-there” flavors into unlikely foods. My husband and I were talking about chili the other day and he decided to make one with charred eggplant, zucchini and Middle Eastern spices. It was totally different and delicious. We topped it with cheddar cheese and sour cream (nod to the American version) and it fit perfectly. There are no rules when it comes to food so long as it tastes good.

Tradition in food is great, but doing the same things over and over is bound to get boring! I never turn down an opportunity to try something new – whether it’s a food or a flavor. The worst thing you can do with food is pigeon-hole it into one category or state of being. Food, again like the other forms of self-expression mentioned above, is dynamic and always changing and evolving to meet the standards of consumers.

We all gotta eat, right?! Might as well make it as delicious as possible. And on that note: eat it while you can!

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