2024 Food Resolutions

It’s hard to believe we are here wrapping up 2023!

I can’t say I’m a big “New Year’s Resolution”person, but today I thought I’d share with you some things I’m thinking about (food, body, and nutrition related) for 2024.

Number 1 on the list is to “eat it while I can.” This one has a little backstory that’s too long to get into in this email, but I came across someone this year who said it and it stuck with me. Food is meant to be enjoyed, and if there are things you enjoy you shouldn’t deny yourself simply for denial’s sake. Appreciate food you love while you’re able to have it (who knows what could happen at any time). I always make sure to enjoy my food but sometimes I do pass things up if I fear they aren’t “good” for me – even though I want it! This isn’t promoting overindulgence, but simply to find joy in eating.

Number 2 is to focus less on data and more on my body’s ability in 2024. I’ve always been proud of myself for listening to my body, but in all honesty this year I felt myself staring at my watch more than I wanted to, making sure I burned enough calories (it’s not even accurate anyway, is it?!) or worked out long enough for it to “count.” I tell my clients to do the opposite of this and I’m usually good about it, too, but something weird has been going on with me lately – just being real! I want to do better and focus more on the input and less on the output.

Number 3 is to share more of my story, my values, and my mission daily. 2023 was a strange year for me with social media, and I want to share and connect more in 2024. I don’t care about growing a large following. I just want to share my values with others and show people how they can achieve true food freedom. Make sure you’re following me on social (find me on IG here) so you can interact with me. I want to share my story so I can show you I’ve been in your shoes but also I care about where you are in your journey and I want to help get you to the next step. I’m committed to being more vulnerable next year so people really get to know me!

Thank you for being along for the ride with me, especially the last six months when I really committed to connecting with you weekly. I hope that the content has been useful and added value to your life. Never hesitate to reply to any of these emails if you want to talk or provide feedback about anything I’ve shared! I’d love to hear from you!

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