Give Yourself the Gift of FOOD FREEDOM

It’s time you put yourself first for the holidays!

How often do you find yourself shopping for others, whether it’s for holiday gifts or otherwise, trying to keep yourself on track because you know you aren’t supposed to be looking for yourself but you can’t help it?!

Today I want you to get rid of that mentality – YOU are the important one here!

I’m sure you’ll receive lots of thoughtful gifts this holiday season, but I’m going to predict that there is one major thing that will be missing – probably because you haven’t voiced to anyone that this is what you want and what you NEED.

When was the last time you told someone that you were sick of saving calories all day just so you could go out to dinner at night?

When was the last time you told someone that you wish you could keep Oreos in the house without the fact that they’re there consuming your every thought?

When was the last time you told someone that you couldn’t scroll on social media without feeling disgusted with yourself and tempted to start another diet?

When was the last time you told someone that the number on the scale in the morning determines how you eat and feel for the rest of the day?

When was the last time you told someone that you stop at McDonald’s before arriving home so you can eat without embarrassment after restricting all day at work?

I’m willing to bet that the answer is NEVER.

So if you’re the only one that knows you want to change all these things, then don’t you feel obligated to gift yourself the opportunity to do just that?

My job as a dietitian is to guide you through eating and feeling better. It’s to teach you how to understand nutrition and your body. It’s also to remind you that you deserve to live a happier, healthier, stress-free life.

You can get there by joining my group nutrition program starting in January 2024. In-person and virtual joining options available. Sit alongside other people who are facing the same issues with food as you are, and learn and grow with the support of a group.

Take this step and be amazed at how so many areas of your life improve as well. Take this step to enjoy food again!

Email me at: to get registered!

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