Lightened Up Zucchini Bread

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A couple of years ago I attempted to grow my own zucchini plant in my small backyard garden. I got some results before the plant shriveled up and died after a few weeks, including this big guy:

This summer, a friend gave me 4 zucchinis with the challenge to make a healthy zucchini bread recipe. I published a banana bread recipe a few weeks ago that doesn’t contain any eggs, refined sugar or butter and I based this recipe off of that one. After a test, I realized I had to adjust sweetener + moisture because the banana adds soooo much that the zucchini lacks in those two areas! Also, the hint of cinnamon in the recipe gives a nice touch and is traditional for a zucchini bread.

I think the result is fantastic. The bread is fluffy and flavorful, and the sweeteners add a different element that regular zucchini bread doesn’t since refined sugar is very neutral tasting. I have some recipe notes at the bottom of the post! Keep in mind: healthier recipes will taste slightly different due to the fact that we are adjusting things like sugar and fat, which ordinarily add a ton of flavor! These recipes are appropriate for all day, every day! I’d still prefer this over traditional zucchini bread because the flavor and texture are perfect!

I cooked the bread(s) for about 42 minutes even. In a glass loaf baking dish, I could see the sides and top were a lovely brown, and the top was springy when pressed. Also, when in doubt, a knife/toothpick inserted into the center should always come out clean.

I love the zucchini shreds coming through! Makes it look as healthy as it actually is, right?

This bread was consumed almost immediately after taking it out of the oven, as a post- and pre-workout snack, an afternoon snack and a bedtime snack. It’s truly appropriate for all times of day! Here is the recipe, with notes below, which include a chocolate (!) version:


1. The 1/2 cup maple syrup can be replaced with any liquid sweetener with a similar consistency. I used maple syrup in one test, and honey in another. The breads did taste different and it was completely dependent on the sweetener. The maple bread had a darker taste, and the honey bread was sweeter and lighter. I’d also considered brown rice syrup, but didn’t test with it.

2.  FOR A CHOCOLATE VERSION (!!) that I think tastes like a chocolate fudge brownie:

  • Replace 1/2 cup flour with 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder. Use something like Hershey’s, not dutch process, a tip I learned from Sally’s Baking Addiction (my bible in website form).
  • Do not add the cinnamon.
  • Again, pick liquid sweetener of choice. With the chocolate element, the sweetener taste isn’t pronounced as it is in the plain version.
  • 1 cup shredded zucchini will be packed when drained.
  • Add 3/4 cup chocolate chips. Do not skip. This bread was meant to be a little sweeter, so the chocolate chips make all the difference. Think of this as your dessert version!
  • This bread takes the full 45 minutes to cook.



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