Everyday Banana Bread

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There’s a small produce market down the street from where I live and I like to go there because they always have new-to-me items I don’t see at big grocery stores! Every week they have items in a $1 bin- it’s usually produce that’s right at its expiration date, wilting or browning but I always use it the day I buy it. This past week I went for some bananas and next to the shinier bananas, they had ripe ones for only $0.29/lb. If you look at a ripe banana and you don’t think of making banana bread, who even are you?

I bought two and stuck them in my produce bowl for two days and ended up with two bananas screaming at me to turn them into banana bread! I know there are no less than 100,000 banana bread recipes on the internet, but that didn’t stop me from improvising.

I don’t usually improvise on recipes because I don’t want to risk a failure and waste food, but I had a good feeling about this. Once I got ratios down, I mixed everything up and crossed my fingers. The results were delicious! I was super excited because I love baking so much and since I’m mostly around pretty healthy eaters, it’s hard to pass off all my bakes all the time. I’m trying to transition into lighter recipes, hence the name for this recipe- ‘everyday’ banana bread. It’s good for everyday and every time of day- breakfast, snack, whenever!

The crumb and texture is everything you’d want out of a banana bread. It’s free from eggs, butter, and refined sugars. The perfectly timed banana, a little canola oil and yogurt do wonders for moisture! I added chocolate chips but they’re optional and if left out won’t affect the final product. White whole wheat flour gives it a light body- I totally recommend this flour.

A quick note about white whole wheat- it’s not a trick! It’s not a refined grain even though it has the word ‘white’ in it. Check out this FAQ from the Whole Grains Council. I use white whole wheat so often in quick breads like this or anything else that has lots of flavors going on (not for a white, frosted cake for example) and the results are great. For most recipes though, make sure you’re using a flour with a similar protein content to the recipe if you’re making a sub!

Back to the main attraction. Recipe is shown below. Enjoy!

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