Why Cutting Carbs is Not a Good Idea

Team carbs 🙌🙌

I will keep promoting carb consumption until it becomes cool again. I don’t care who tells you not to eat carbs or why – they are all talking shit.

Carbs are good for your body and your soul. They are the easiest way for our body to make energy. WHY would you want to make your body work harder by avoiding them?

PLUS ❗️ if you are cutting carbs for weight loss, understand this: NO specific macronutrient manipulation (low carb, high protein, high fat, low fat, etc.) has proven to be more effective than another. A low carb does is not more efficient or more likely to cause fat loss than any other diet.

In other words, if you are trying to cut carbs to lose weight, that’s not necessarily the most efficient way. What matters is your calorie level, and you can stay within your calorie limit and not cut out a SINGLE food! The only thing that matters here is energy balance, folks.

Plus plus ‼️ if you tell me you’re satisfied without eating carbs I know you are lying right to my face 🤨

When I ask people who have participated in low carb diets what they are craving or what foods they are missing, it’s always some sort of carbs! Typically simple carbs (bread, pasta, pancakes, waffles) or high fat and high sugar carbs (bakery sweets, chocolate, candy, ice cream). They think it’s because they have a sugar addiction or something and they just have to “detox” but I promise that’s not the case!

Your body is craving those items because it needs glucose and calories. It’s not telling you to eat a donut specifically, but when your mind goes to sugar and fat you may think of donuts!

What happens when we deprive ourselves of carbs (and foods we like) is that after a period of restriction is over or simply after we just can’t take it anymore, we go bananas on those foods. Almost to the point of binging them because we have been deprived for so long. If you think this won’t happen to you or that you have strong enough willpower, you are wrong.

You will continue in this cycle forever until you can’t take it anymore or give up dieting altogether. You will be worse off than when you started, whether that means mentally for you or at a higher weight.

There is a reason carbohydrates are recommended to be half of your calories for the entire day. They are important for our body to function!

Why are carbohydrates important for our bodies to function?

  • Glucose is the main end-product of carbohydrate digestion and is the body’s main, and preferred, source of energy.
  • Aside from being essential for energy production, glucose is essential for maintaining blood sugar levels.
  • Excess glucose is stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen. This source is tapped in the absence of fuel to provide energy or achieve homeostasis.
  • Carbohydrates provide our bodies with fiber, which is essential for our gut, digestive and heart health.

What is fiber?

  • INSOLUBLE: Absorbs fluid and adds bulk to stools. Found in whole grains, berries, beans, nuts, cruciferous veg, potatoes.
  • SOLUBLE: Dissolves in water and feeds gut bacteria; helps manage cholesterol and blood sugar. Found in oats, peas, apples, citrus, barley

How many carbs should I be eating a day?

  • The acceptable macronutrient distribution range (AMDR) for carbohydrates is 45-55% of total daily calories.
  • This is essential not only for energy, but to maintain lean body mass and keep electrolyte balance.
  • If you are consuming an average of 2,000 calories/day, 50% of your daily calories would be 250 grams.

Dying to include carbs in your life again, I can help! Head to my services page to book a call and we can talk about how to get you eating whole again!

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