The #1 Question You Need to Ask Yourself

It’s the end of February – can you believe it? I didn’t realize this until the other day when I noticed it was still light out at almost 6:00 pm! We never think we are going to make it through the winter then all of a sudden it’s bright and 60 degrees.

Also now that February is almost over, I want to check on how you’re feeling so far in 2024. The hustle of getting things going in the new year might be dying down for you, or new things might have come up that you weren’t expecting, throwing a wrench in your self-improvement plans.

I’m in the latter camp myself. This year as a whole has come in like a lion, and I’ve had to put some things on hold that I wanted to work on, but at the same time have felt a great sense of accomplishment by rearranging my priorities to make sure I’m taking care not just of what I need to but what I want to.

So I’m checking into ask you the most important question that you need to ask yourself right now:

How’s it working for you?

You can fill in your own “it.” Whatever you set out to do, whatever improvement you wanted to make or goal you wanted to accomplish, how is the strategy you chose working for you?

I ask this because I asked myself recently and that one simple question changed my perspective on things. Because even though I implemented what I thought was a well thought out plan, things weren’t progressing like I wanted to.

I spent time saying “this should be working” when what I really meant was “I wish this was working.”

My clients come to me with a similar problem – trying so hard to make something work that just isn’t. And instead of changing up the strategy, they try to keep going on the same path hoping that things will fall into place somehow.

We cut our calories more because that should work. We exercise more because that should work. We stop eating after 8 pm because that should work. We drink water with lemon in the morning because that should work. We cut out the creamer in our coffee because that should work. We stop buying sweets because that should work.

But it doesn’t. It doesn’t work.

And when it doesn’t work, we think that cutting back more will make it work. And we never think that maybe another strategy could be the answer. Maybe a strategy that’s the complete opposite of what you’ve been trying.

So I’ll ask you again: how’s it working for you? If you’ve been trying for something and you’ve gotten nowhere then it isn’t working and you need a changeup.

Click here to book a call with me and we can re-strategize together.

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