It’s tank top season and it’s not too late to give your shoulders a good pump. As a personal trainer, even though I created this sequence in the winter in a long-sleeved shirt, I knew it would be perfect come spring to get my shoulders ready for a tank. This can be done at home with no equipment. I use a yoga mat folded up to protect my wrists, but it’s not necessary! Tips and links are below the workout. Enjoy!
Sunrise Shoulder Shredder
20 plank push ups (high to low plank)
20 pop jacks
15 burpees
15 knee to opposite elbow (each side)
10 plank oblique hops
10 push ups
Tips: Always keep your shoulders stacked above your wrists and elbows. This will offer more protection than you think and will allow you to engage your core more. Also, keep your hips turned under and glutes squeezed tight. This will protect your lower back and also allow you to engage your core more. Lastly, breathe!