
The Cost of a Calorie Deficit

People are probably going to argue with me on this, or cite their own successes contrary to what I explain below. However, I know I am talking directly to those of you that have absolutely had experiences with this. I’m just talking about the other side that’s not as often

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How to Turn Comparison Syndrome into Inspiration

What is comparison syndrome? Comparison syndrome – also referred to as “comparisonitis” or comparison disorder – is a sneaky, paralyzing and very real phenomenon. Presentations of comparison syndrome include: comparing yourself to others in an unhealthy way, feelings of failure when you learn of others’ accomplishments, not wanting to congratulate

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How Scared are you of Being in Control?

At first, it might seem like an easy answer. We want to have control in our lives, of course. Some of us simply THRIVE on controlling all aspects of our lives. We feel like things are running smoothly and everything is in place like a well-oiled machine. Until they’re not!

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Why I Do Not Encourage Daily Weigh-ins

I could really get into it here, but to keep it relatively short and sweet here is my number one reason that I believe getting on the scale every day is not a good idea: because it’s not helpful. Really. Think about it. What do you get from knowing the

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4 Ways to Cleanse/Detox Your Body!

Today I am going to share with you 4 of the best ways you can cleanse, or detox if you prefer that terminology, your body. If you want to feel all cleared out, fresh and free of allllll kinds of bacteria, keep reading! So, of course I am kind of

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7 Things I Want You to Continue Doing ALL of 2023

It’s very easy to get caught up in the New Year’s resolution game. It’s a lot of pressure isn’t it? Having to commit to what usually amounts to drastic changes seemingly overnight? Then when we can’t keep that up, because change doesn’t work like that, we get down on ourselves

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Nutrition Myths Experts Wish Would Die

I saw a post on NYT Well about myths nutrition experts wish would die. I thought, hey, I am a nutrition expert! Why don’t we see what I think? What are nutrition myths? Nutrition myths are the same as any other myth, except they are about nutrition! Duh! A myth

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8 Ways to Get Better at Managing Your Hunger

ONE – Think about the nutrient density of your food choices. Ultra-processed or high sugar/high fat items are usually calorically dense but offer minimal nutrition. It’s important to choose foods that are both calorie and nutrient dense to help with satiety. TWO – How about your schedule. Do you eat

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