Here’s What to Do if You’re Feeling Like a Bottomless Pit at Night

If you constantly feel hungry at night, you’ll want to read this today!

I’ve been there too, sitting in front of the TV, half my brain watching “Stranger Things” and the other half wondering what I could grab from the kitchen. Or waiting for my husband to go to the bathroom so I can sneak into the kitchen and not feel guilty for grabbing a handful of chocolate chips, shoving them in undetected.

I can’t tell you how many people have said to me some version of “I’m good all day, but at night I feel like a bottomless pit and I blow it!”

You might feel hopeless or like you have no self-control, but neither of those things are true! Let me share three simple strategies to help you stop overeating at night.

Fix #1:

If you’re an avocado toast person in the morning, it’s time to add a couple of eggs, some yogurt, cottage cheese, or even this edamame guacamole for extra protein. Lunch should be treated like a mini dinner—make sure to include protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Add some beans! Especially if no one else in your family eats them, this is your chance. You need to bulk up your meals and snacks during the day.

Fix #2:

Have a complete dinner. If dinner time is hectic because of kid activities or working late, I get it. Having a bowl of buttered noodles is fine sometimes, but it’s not enough. Aim for variety—put 3-4 different items on your plate. This will make dinner more satisfying and help curb those evening cravings.

Fix #3:

Eat something sweet during the day. If you’re saving a sweet craving for the nighttime, it’s just going to intensify. Take two Oreos with you in your packed lunch instead of waiting until after dinner to have six. You know as well as I do the longer you put something off the more it nags at you! I once told a client to pack a Ghirardelli square in her lunch every day and it made a world of difference.

Now, I’m calling these fixes, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy. It takes some strategy, like knowing how to add calories in a balanced way, planning satisfying meals, and working sweets into your day without going overboard.

This is where I come in! I help my clients create a better approach to eating every day, and I’d love to help you too.

If you’re ready to make changes that last, reply to this email, or schedule a free consultation with me today!

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