How many times have you been “good” during the day, only to come home ravenous, eating everything in sight once you get within arm’s reach of the pantry?
How many times have you opted for a “healthy swap” instead of the “real thing” only to find yourself entirely unsatisfied, then eating what you wanted in the first place, only more and already in addition to the swap you tried?
How many times have you given up on diet behaviors because you weren’t seeing results fast enough?
How many times did you convince yourself eliminating carbs, fat, sugar, dairy, gluten, etc. was the answer? Or how many times did you eliminate a favorite food? Then find it completely unsustainable for you?
How many times did you look to someone else or something else to guide you along to achieve your nutrition and body goals, constantly relying on external motivators because you were too scared or didn’t trust yourself to find the answer?
The thing is, there is a lot we know about dieting and how it doesn’t work for us, but we continue to do it hoping we will achieve results if we can just pull ourselves together enough. How many times have you said, “If I could only ____, then I’d be happy”?
So, here are 5 things that I don’t have to tell you about diets because they’re things you already know!
1. Under-eating during the day will make you insanely hungry later, and you will probably consume more than all the calories you were trying to avoid when under-eating.
2. “Healthy swaps” for what you are craving do not ever satisfy the craving, leading you to overeat the very food that you were craving in the first place, leading to guilt.
3. Weight loss/gain or body recomposition does not happen overnight, or even in a short period of time, especially if you’ve logged years & years of diet behavior.
4. A sustainable diet plan includes foods that provide protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, minerals and fiber, PLUS foods that are simply good for your soul that aren’t as nutrient-dense.
5. The formula for achieving your nutrition and body goals lies within YOU, not through a quick fix or plan marketed to you by someone or something that doesn’t know you.
So, my question to you is: how long are you going to continue doing these things even when you know you shouldn’t be?